Girls hands and feet sweat especially serious how to do

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The sweating of hands and feet of girls is particularly serious. This situation is related to many reasons. Medicine is called hyperhidrosis of hands and feet. It is related to many factors such as mental factors, hormone levels, family genetics, etc. The main reason is that various factors lead to increased sympathetic nerve impulse, increased secretion of acetylcholine, and increased secretion of sweat glands resulting in hyperhidrosis. Traditional Chinese medicine may be related to damp heat or blood heat. Treatment of the general use of West Lanxia Dew (urotropin solution), can be used once a day, the use is very convenient, there is convergence dry antiperspirant effect. Usually pay attention to avoid mental stress and mood swings, keep the skin clean and dry to avoid secondary bacterial or fungal infections. External drug treatment effect is not good to cooperate with oral drugs or surgical treatment.

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